Use the Yellow Pages People Search Tool, also called The Real Yellow Pages, is the “traditional” phone directory Yellow Pages placed on the web for easy access. It has a free people search tool where you can run a search by name or do a reverse Yellow Pages search by address or phone number. The website also includes residential and business listings, maps and directions, local attraction information, questions and answers, and coupons. 

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If you don’t know the person’s name, phone number, or address, but you happen to know where they work, Yellow Pages can be used to find the company’s address and phone number which you can then use to contact the person.

BY NAME: A last name is required but you can also include a first name, city, and state if you know those details. BY ADDRESS: An address is required to run the reverse address lookup. BY PHONE NUMBER: The reverse search for a phone number lets you enter just a number to see what Yellow Pages can tell you about who it belongs to.

Press the search button when you’re ready to see the results.