Backing up Data

Before you start, it’s recommended you back up all personal data and third-party applications you have on your Windows 11 computer. During the reverting process, data from your Windows 11 computer may or may not be restored on your computer. You can back up your files by manually copying them onto your PC’s OneDrive, an external hard drive, or a USB thumb drive. Third-party applications will not be reinstalled when you revert so you will have to install them again. Once Windows 10 is installed, you can then copy those files back onto your computer from wherever you stored them.

How Do I Uninstall Windows From My Computer?

Uninstalling Windows 11 and Installing Another OS

If Go Back isn’t available as an option or you want to install another operating system, then Advanced Startup will help you. Advanced Startup will uninstall Windows 11 and allow you to change the system’s setting as well as install another operating system.

How Do I Reinstall Windows 10?

Since your computer won’t work without an operating system, you will likely need to reinstall Windows 10. That article will step you through installing several different versions of Windows. For this guide, Use a Device will be chosen.