How Do I Unfollow Someone on TikTok?

You can unfollow a single TikTok account by visiting their page and pressing the person icon.

How Do I Unfollow Multiple People at Once on TikTok?

A quick way to declutter your Home feed is to unfollow multiple people in quick succession. View the list of people you’re following on TikTok to easily unfollow one user after another, without needing to visit each person’s profile page individually.

Select their profile image to the right if you’re currently watching one of their videos.Open the search bar at the top of the Home or Discover page, and find the user by their username.

How Do I Unfollow Everyone I Follow on TikTok?

As handy as it’d be if you’re looking for a fresh start or an easy way to purge the list of people you follow, there isn’t a TikTok-approved method to unfollow everyone at once. The best way to unfollow everyone is to walk through the second set of steps above. Just scroll through your list and tap the button next to every user you don’t want to follow anymore. You’ll find you can remove several accounts in seconds. Spending some time every day working through your list will clear it out eventually, if that’s your end goal. The only other way to delete everyone from your follow list—and this is more of a workaround—is to simply make a new account. Of course, doing so will remove all of your followers, too, and you’d need to get a different username.

What Does Unfollowing Someone Do?

Following TikTok users puts their videos in your Home tab, specifically within the Following tab. This makes it easy to locate all the newest videos from people you’ve chosen to keep tabs on. Unfollowing, then, removes those accounts from that area of the app/website. You can still find them on your For You page or through a search. There are a couple differences, though. For one, following someone will notify them that you’ve added them to your follow list. Unfollowing someone will not notify them, making the only way for them to confirm you have done so is to go to your profile or their list of followers. To initiate a private message with another user, you both need to be following each other. So, if you both follow each other, but then you unfollow them, the Message button on their profile will disappear. Unfollowing someone doesn’t delete comments they’ve made on your videos, the comments you’ve made on their videos, videos you’ve liked, or TikTok videos you’ve downloaded. Those things are valid irrespective of follow status, so they remain even if you do or don’t follow someone, or if you used to follow them but don’t anymore.

Can You Remove Followers on TikTok?

People can follow you even if you don’t follow them, so removing someone you follow doesn’t necessarily mean they won’t just add you again. You can, however, force this to happen by removing them from your list. Removing someone who follows you isn’t the same as removing people you follow, but the steps are just as easy: from your profile, select Followers under your image, and then use the three-dot menu to the right of a user to find the Remove this follower option. The only way to stop someone else from following you for good is to block them. Use the three-dot menu at the top-right of someone’s profile to find the Block button.