How Do I Disable Private Browsing on Safari?

Private browsing on Safari is a useful tool on your iPad and other Apple devices as it blocks websites from tracking your search behavior and your browser remembering what you looked at. However, sometimes you may want to disable it or turn it off so those same functions are restored. Here’s how to disable private browsing on Safari.

How Do I Remove Private Browsing Mode?

It’s not possible to permanently remove private browsing mode from your iPad but there are other ways to avoid using it and in an even quicker fashion than before. Here’s what to do.

Why Would I Want Private Browsing?

Private Browsing offers numerous features when browsing online and these are both useful and not so useful, depending on your needs. Here’s a brief look at what happens when Private Browsing is enabled.

The iPad does not keep track of your history. With Private Browsing enabled, it doesn’t keep track of the websites you visit or your search history. Retracing your steps is harder but it means maximum security if someone looks at your iPad.  Safari blocks certain cookies. Safari automatically blocks certain types of cookies from external websites. It already does this to an extent, blocking unwanted trackers, but it does so more so in Private Browsing mode.  The search/URL bar turns black. When Private Browsing is enabled, the Safari search bar goes black to highlight you have the mode enabled.  Private Browsing isn’t an ultimate fix. If you don’t want a website to know the IP address you’re browsing from or similar, you need to use something like a VPN rather than rely on Private Browsing.