This article explains how to turn Location Services off completely on either iPhone or Android phones, plus how to control which apps can access it.

How to Turn Off Location Services on iPhone

Disabling Location Services on the iPhone so that no apps can access your location is really simple. Just follow these steps:  

How to Control Which Apps Have Access to Location Services on iPhone

You may not ant some apps on your iPhone to have access to your location, but not others. Or you might want an app to have that access when it needs it, but not all the time. The iPhone lets you control apps’ access to your Location Services this way:

How to Turn Off Location Services on Android

Turning off Location Services on Android completely blocks the use of those features by the operating system and apps. Here’s what to do:

Never: Select this if you want the app to never know your location. Picking this may disable some location-dependent features. While Using the App: Only let the app use your location when you’ve launched the app and are using it. This is a good way to get the benefits of Location Services without giving up too much privacy.Always: With this, the app can always know where you are even if you’re not using the app. 

How to Control Which Apps Have Access to Location Services on Android

Android lets you control which apps have access to your Location Services. This is helpful because some apps that don’t really need your location may try to access it and you may want to stop that. Here’s what to do: