How to Tell If Someone Blocked You on Messenger: Mobile Version

The easiest way to check whether you’ve been blocked on Messenger but not on Facebook is to use the mobile app and check whether or not a message gets through. If it doesn’t, you can then check if that person is still on Facebook. If they are, then they’ve blocked you on Messenger only. If the message sends as normal, your friend hasn’t blocked you on Messenger. But, if you’re told “Message Not Sent” and that “This person isn’t receiving messages at this time” this means either:

You’ve been blocked on Messenger but not Facebook.You’ve been blocked on Facebook itself.Your friend has deactivated their account.

In any case, your next step is to determine which of these possibilities apply. Open the Facebook app and conduct a search for your friend’s name. If they appear in the search results after typing their name, then they might have blocked you on Facebook Messenger, but not on Facebook. But if your friend’s account doesn’t appear, this doesn’t necessarily mean they’ve also blocked you on Facebook. They might have deactivated their account.

How to Tell If Someone Blocked You on Messenger: Desktop Version

The same basic methods apply when using your computer to check whether someone blocked you on Messenger, although the steps are slightly different. After clicking the Send button, you might receive a message which reads, “This person isn’t available at the moment.” Once again, this doesn’t necessarily mean they’ve blocked you on Messenger since they could’ve either blocked you on Facebook or deactivated their account. There’s also a chance you’ll see nothing out of the ordinary (as in the screenshot above), but the recipient will not receive your message nor be able to respond.