How Do You Tame an Axolotl?

Follow these steps to make an Axolotl your ally:

Where Can You Find an Axolotl in Minecraft?

Axolotls can be found in pools of water inside Lush Caves. When you see Azalea trees, look for a cave entrance or start digging to find a Lush Cave. Axolotls only spawn deep underground (below Y coordinate -63) in absolute darkness, so bring some torches with you. Also, there must be a clay block below the water for them to spawn. As long as you are holding the Bucket of Tropical Fish, your Axolotl will swim beside you and attack other aquatic mobs.

What Can You Do With Axolotls?

Technically, Axolotls can’t be tamed in the same sense you can tame an Ocelot or some other animals. However, you can effectively tame an Axolotl and have it follow you around by holding a Bucket of Tropical Fish. The Axolotl will ignore you when you’re not holding what it wants. Axolotls are not aggressive toward players, but they attack most other aquatic mobs. When attacked, Axolotls play dead and begin to regenerate health, but they can still take damage and die. Axolotls are picky eaters as they will only eat live Tropical Fish. Axolotls can come on land, but they won’t travel more than a few blocks away from water. If you want one to follow you out of the water, use Lead on it to create a leash. Just keep in mind your Axolotl will perish if it spends too much time out of water. If you want to keep one as a pet, use a Water Bucket on an Axolotl to scoop it up just like you did with the fish. Then, carry it wherever you want and use the Bucket to release your Axolotl. Since they don’t stray far from water, you don’t have to worry about them wandering off so long as you put them in a pool at least two blocks deep.