Snooze a Friend’s or a Page’s Posts for 30 Days

In cases where you want to mute a particular friend’s or page’s posts without permanently unfollowing them, Facebook’s “snooze” feature can help. This feature temporarily stops a person or page’s posts from showing up in your feed for 30 days, after which they’ll appear in your feed again. When you snooze a person or a page, you’ll remain friends or a fan of the page. They won’t receive any notification that you snoozed them, so they’ll never know.

Choose Who You Want to Snooze in Shared Posts

Sometimes friends or pages share posts from other people or pages, which appear in your feed. Posts like this will give you two snooze options — one to snooze the friend or page you follow and another to snooze the person or page that’s being shared. For example, say that you love seeing your friend’s posts in your feed but aren’t crazy about the posts from one of their own friends they like to share. In this case, you wouldn’t snooze your friend — you’d snooze your friend’s friend. On the other hand, if your friend shares a lot of different posts from their own friends or pages that they follow and you don’t care to see any of their posts at all in your feed, you could choose to snooze your friend rather than specific people and pages they share posts from.

Undo Your Snooze If You Change Your Mind

If you decide at a later time that you’d like to undo your snoozing on a friend or a page, navigate to that friend’s profile or that page. Look for the Snoozed note that appears at the top of the posts and select Undo.

Unfollow Friends or Pages for a More Permanent Option

Snoozing is a great feature for temporarily hiding friends’ and pages’ posts, but if you find that you want a more permanent option after the snooze period is up, you might want to try the unfollow feature. Unfollowing a friend or a page causes the same effect as the snooze feature, but permanently rather than for a 30-day period. Unfollowing means you’ll remain friends or a fan of the page, but you won’t see their posts in your feed unless you visit the friend’s profile or page and manually follow them again. As with snoozing, unfollowing a friend does not notify them.