Resetting Snapchat Spectacles is a good way to address any issues you might have with syncing, taking Snaps, or importing Snaps from Spectacles to your iOS or Android device.

How to Soft Reset Snapchat Spectacles

A soft reset is an easy way to fix any issues you might have with Spectacles, like syncing Snaps, charging, or experiencing errors. To soft reset your Spectacles, you’ll need your Spectacles and 20 seconds.

How to Hard Reset Snapchat Spectacles

Hard resetting Snapchat Spectacles is the same process as soft resetting Spectacles, except there’s an additional step. When hard resetting, you will have to pair Spectacles to your Android or iOS device again, even if paired before.

Tips on Resetting Spectacles

If LEDs are not lighting up on your Spectacles, they may not be charged enough to perform a reset. Try charging your Spectacles first for at least 20 minutes. Once the process is fully completed, all the LEDs on Spectacles will flash once. This indicates the hard reset has completed. However, it’s best to disconnect your Spectacles from power before attempting either a soft or hard reset, as this can sometimes cause issues. Remember, both hard and soft resets do not wipe Spectacles’ memory, so Snaps stored on the glasses will not be impacted by either reset.