How to Report a Gmail Bug

To report a bug or to offer feedback:

Best Practices for Reporting a Gmail Bug or Sending Google Feedback

Specific information is always better than generic complaints. Saying that something “doesn’t work” is less helpful to an engineer than to say that “button X does not activate when I’ve selected option Y.”

Be calm: Bugs happen. Showering the tech-support team with angry comments or demands for speedy intervention will not help get the problem resolved with any additional speed. Be concise: State the problem completely, but don’t write a book. Focus on the problem only, and offer only one problem per support ticket or feedback session. List the steps you took to generate the bug: If you can make the problem repeat, list the steps (in order) to make the bug reappear. Share if the bug is repeatable: Was it a one-time glitch, or does it persist even after you’ve taken the usual troubleshooting steps of rebooting, clearing browser caches, etc.? Provide evidence of the problem: Add screenshots, error-log reports, or file attachments (where possible) that show the problem in its context. Offer relevant context: If you can’t get a social-login button to work, for example, it’s worth sharing whether you’re running any privacy plugins with your browser.