How to Rank YouTube Videos by Targeting a Niche

This strategy is a reliable way to rank YouTube videos and requires no prior experience to be successful.

Targeting trends are the opposite of targeting a niche. You’ll face a lot of competition and must work quickly.

Rank YouTube Videos by Targeting Similar Content

This strategy looks to pick up viewers who are watching other popular content. The goal is not to rank in YouTube search but instead to become the top-recommended video on another popular video. If not, act quickly! Creators who are among the first to jump on a trend have an edge. If many videos exist, consider how your video might respond to them or offer a new take on the trend.

Metrics that Rank YouTube Videos

A strategy will help you rank new YouTube videos. But how do you know if viewers are interested in and enjoy your video? A few key metrics provide insight and, if they’re high, will help your videos rank on YouTube. Click-through-rate (CTR) is critical for new creators. CTR is the percentage of people who see your video in search who click through to view the video. A CTR above 5 percent is decent, and a CTR in the double digits is excellent. Take the time to create an attractive custom YouTube thumbnail for every video. A catchy title helps, too. Audience retention is the most crucial metric for sustained success. The platform wants to keep viewers on YouTube for as long as possible. The better your content, the more likely this is to happen. Subscribers are always helpful. Having more subscribers will make your videos a more reliable bet for YouTube. Identify a topic for your channel and stay close to it, as that will encourage subscriptions and make subscribers less likely to leave.