The Basics of Limit Breaks

During battle, you’ll notice a gauge labeled Limit. To trigger a Limit Break attack, that gauge must be full. Every time a character takes damage from an enemy, the Limit Gauge fills a little bit. Get hit enough and, eventually, you’ll get a Limit Break.

Advanced Strategy for Building Up the Limit Break Gauge

Just because you get a Limit Break doesn’t mean you have to use it. The gauge doesn’t deplete between battles, so if you get a Limit Break during one battle, you can carry it into another. Since Limit Breaks are among the most powerful attacks in the game, filling your gauge before a boss battle can be a huge part of your strategy. If you want to build a character’s Limit Break gauge faster, try placing them in the front row. Enemies attack characters up front much more frequently. To facilitate the process even further, equip the character with the Cover Materia, which lets the character take blows meant for other party members. Additionally, the Hyper status causes the Limit Gauge to fill at twice the normal rate at the expense of attack accuracy. It’s worth it to make the character whose Limit Break you’re attempting to trigger Hyper and, when you’re finished, cure the Hyper status with a Tranquilizer.

How To Get More Limit Breaks

Unlocking Limit Breaks works the same way for most characters in the game. There are four levels of Limit Breaks. Each character starts with a Level 1 Break. To unlock the second, they have to use the first one a certain number of times. To unlock the first Level 2 Limit Break, a character has to kill a certain number of enemies. Then, the process repeats to obtain the next Limit Breaks. Once you collect six Limit Breaks for a character, you will meet the requirements to unlock their Level 4 Limit Break. Unlike the previous ones, Level 4 Limit Breaks must be unlocked by questing for an item. Use the item on the character to unlock their final Limit Break.

Limit Breaks By Character

Here is the full list of Limit Breaks for all of Final Fantasy VII’s characters, along with instructions on how to unlock them.

Cloud Strife

For his Limit Breaks, Cloud unleashes powerful sword attacks.