How Do You Craft a Pickaxe in Minecraft?

To make a pickaxe, you need 2 Sticks and 3 of another item. The steps are basically the same no matter what type you’re making. The only exception is the Nethrite Pickaxe, which requires a Smithing Table. The easiest tool to make is a Wooden Pickaxe since all you need is wood. Wooden Pickaxes will mine basic stone blocks:

How Do You Make a Stone Pickaxe in Minecraft?

To craft a Stone Pickaxe, open your Crafting Table, place 3 Cobblestone in the top row, then place 2 Sticks in the middle of the second and third rows. Stone Pickaxes mine stone blocks faster than Wooden Pickaxes, and they are twice as durable. They can also mine Iron Ore and Lapis Lazuli.

How Do You Make an Iron Pickaxe in Minecraft?

To craft an Iron Pickaxe, open your Crafting Table, place 3 Iron Ingots in the top row, then place 2 Sticks in the middle of the second and third rows. Craft Iron Ingots by smelting Iron Ore in a Furnace. An Iron Pickaxe is needed to mine Gold, Redstone, and Diamonds.

How Do You Make a Golden Pickaxe in Minecraft?

To craft a Golden Pickaxe, open your Crafting Table, place 3 Gold Ingots in the top row, then place 2 Sticks in the middle of the second and third rows. Craft Gold Ingots by smelting Raw Gold in a Furnace. Golden Pickaxes mine stone blocks faster than other pickaxes, but they are the least durable. They cannot mine Diamonds.

How Do You Make a Diamond Pickaxe in Minecraft?

To craft a Diamond Pickaxe, open your Crafting Table, place 3 Diamonds in the top row, then place 2 Sticks in the middle of the second and third rows. To mine Diamonds, use an Iron Pickaxe or stronger on Diamond Ore. You need a Diamond Pickaxe to mine Obsidian and Ancient Debris in the Nether. It’s the most durable pickaxe, but it’s not as fast as a Golden Pickaxe.

How Do You Make a Netherite Pickaxe in Minecraft?

To craft a Netherite Pickaxe, combine a Diamond Pickaxe and a Netherite Ingot in a Smithing Table. Follow these steps: