How Do I Lock My Notes?

A locked note is one way to keep confidential information on your iPhone from prying eyes. And locking a note is fairly simple, but you’ll need to setup a password for your Notes app to lock notes. You can do this before you try to lock a note in the app, but it’s easier just to setup the password the first time you choose to lock a note. Although the password you set above is used for all locked notes, all notes are not locked automatically. You must choose to lock a note before the password is applied to it. Once you do, however, you must use the password (or Face ID or Touch ID if you set one of those methods up) to unlock the note. To unlock a note: open it > tap View Note > type the password you created above. When you’ve finished viewing or editing your note, you’ll need to re-lock it by choosing the open lock icon on the tap toolbar.

Why Can’t I Lock My Notes on iPhone?

If you are having trouble locking notes on your iPhone, it may be you haven’t enabled passwords in Notes in your Settings. To do so, open Settings > Notes > Password. If you haven’t previously set a passwords for the Notes app, use the fields provided to create one, and then tap Done.