What Does It Mean to Lock Cells in Google Sheets?

Before we get to the actual how-to of locking cells in Google Sheets, it’s worth taking a moment to understand what options Google Sheets puts at your disposal. When you lock cells in Google Docs, you have two options:

Show a warning. If someone (including yourself) tries to edit a cell that’s protected in this way, Google Sheets will display a warning, but allow the cell to be changed if the user persists. This is a sort of safety valve that prevents accidental changes but doesn’t keep anyone from making changes if needed.Restrict editing. If a cell is protected this way, only people who are specifically allowed to edit the cell can make changes. This can be just you and you alone, or any number of other people you add to the permission list. 

How to Lock Cells in Google Sheets

You can lock single or multiple cells in Google Sheets. That includes entire rows and columns as well. Here’s how.

How to Unlock Cells in Google Sheets

You might eventually want to stop protecting certain cells in a spreadsheet. You can do that with just a few clicks as well.