Can You Kick Someone off Hulu?

You have control over who accesses your Hulu account, and you can kick anyone off at any time by removing their devices from your account. When you do that, they won’t be able to use your account again unless they log back in or reactivate their device. Doing this is helpful if you’ve given access to someone and want to revoke it or if you suspect that your password has been stolen. Here’s how to kick someone off Hulu:

How to Kick Everyone Off Hulu

If you have a lot of devices connected to your Hulu account that you don’t recognize, or you don’t know how to tell, you can remove all of the connected devices at once. When you do that, it removes every device that you have ever authorized to use your Hulu account immediately. That means you’ll have to log back in on each one before you can use them again. It’s a good option if you think your password may have been stolen. If that’s the case, then it’s crucial to create a new strong password immediately after you kick everyone off your Hulu account to prevent anyone from getting back on without your permission. Here’s how to kick everyone off your Hulu account at once:

What Happens When You Remove a Device From Hulu?

When you remove a device from Hulu, that device can no longer stream using your Hulu account. If someone is streaming on that device, their stream will end, and Hulu will prompt them to log in or activate their device. If they have your password, they’ll be able to log back in. If they don’t have your password, they’ll have to contact you for assistance to reconnect their device to your account. The best way to stop sharing Hulu is to change your password and remove the devices from your Hulu account. If you suspect that your password has been stolen, then you can either change your password and remove any suspicious devices or log out of all connected devices to be safe. In either case, you should change your password. If you don’t, the owner of the removed devices will be able to reconnect them whenever they like.

How Do I Remove a Name From My Hulu Account?

Hulu lets you set up six profiles. Each profile has a watch history and favorites, so most people set up a new profile whenever they share their account. If you don’t want to share anymore, you can remove that name from your Hulu account to make room for new ones or clean up the profile selection interface. Here’s how to remove a name from your Hulu account:

How Do I Log Out of Someone Else’s Hulu Account?

If you share a device with someone and have separate Hulu accounts, you need to log out of their account before using yours. Here’s how to log out of someone else’s Hulu account: