How to Hide App Store Purchases in Family Sharing
The Family Sharing feature built into Apple devices makes it easy for any members of a family to freely download music, movies, TV shows, books, and apps that were purchased by other members. However, there might be purchases that you don’t want to share with everyone else. Fortunately, each member of the family can hide any of their purchases in Family Sharing without the need to remove the people you’re hiding them from. Here’s how:
How to Hide iTunes Store Purchases in Family Sharing
Hiding iTunes Store purchases from other Family Sharing users is fairly similar to hiding App Store purchases. The major difference is that iTunes Store purchases can only be hidden using the iTunes program on a Mac or Windows computer; you can’t use the iTunes Store app on your device.
How to Unhide Purchases in Family Sharing
Hiding apps, movies, books, etc., is useful, but there are some instances where you’ll need to unhide those items, like to re-download the purchase.