You may be connected to the hotspot but can’t access any websites with your browser.Your connection to the internet stops working while you’re using the hotspot.Your hotspot connection drops unexpectedly and won’t reconnect.
Usually, you won’t see any errors or indication of what’s wrong. The internet will simply stop working. However, troubleshooting and fixing the cause isn’t very difficult.
Why Is My Hotspot Not Working?
When you’re connected to the internet via a mobile hotspot, there are multiple possible points of failure. Any one of those can cause connection problems. Your hotpsot network could stop working if your phone runs out of power or the Wi-Fi setting gets disabled. Or your mobile device running the hotspot could lose its own internet connection, which means you can’t connect to the internet either. The best way to troubleshoot these problems is to start with your mobile devices, since it’s the source of your internet connection. Once you’ve confirmed the mobile device isn’t having any issues, then move on to your computer or laptop next.
How to Fix When a Connected Mobile Hotspot Has No Internet Connection
This issue applies to both Windows and Mac operating systems, as well as Android and iOS mobile devices. The troubleshooting tips below may differ slightly depending on which operating system or mobile device you’re using.