What Causes the Steam Cloud Error?
When you experience this error, you’ll typically one of these messages:
Steam Cloud ErrorSteam was unable to Sync your files for (game) with the Steam CloudUnable to Sync
These messages appear when Steam checks your local game files and they don’t match with the save data that’s saved in the Steam Cloud. This usually happens when you play games on multiple computers, but it can also happen if you only play on one. The most common cause of the Steam Cloud error is when you play on one computer and make progress in a game, and then launch the game on another computer that isn’t set to sync with the Steam Cloud. Since the data doesn’t match, Steam provides a warning. Depending on the specific error, you may have the option to play the game anyway or try to sync again.
How to Fix the Steam Cloud Error Message
To resolve your Steam Cloud error, try each of these fixes: If you don’t see the message anymore, look for where it says Cloud Status Out of Sync (next to the play button in your Steam Library). Click Out of Sync, and then click Retry Sync. If Steam seems to be experiencing problems, come back and try again later. Steam service outage issues can prevent cloud synchronization and cause this error. If this is your problem, you’ll need to check your connection speed and quality and fix your internet problems. You can then attempt to synchronize with Steam Cloud again using the instructions for reattempting synchronization from step one. Open Steam > Settings > Cloud > Enable Steam Cloud synchronization for apps that support it. Then click OK and restart Steam. Steam should synchronize, and you can try to play the game again. After you’ve completely shut down Steam, you can open it again and wait to see if it synchronizes. To verify game files, right-click the game in your Steam library, then click Properties > Local Files > Verify integrity of game files. Click Steam > Settings > Download > Steam Library Folders. Then click the more icon (three horizontal dots) and select Repair Folder. Optionally, you can disable your antivirus and firewall temporarily to see if that fixes the problem. If it does, then you’ll need to either add an exception to your firewall or antivirus for Steam or switch to a new firewall or antivirus.