Find Apps That Can Access Your Gmail Account

You may have given several websites and services access to some of your Gmail information in the past. Even if you no longer use a service, it can still access your Gmail account. This Gmail management function resides in the web browser, not the app. To find out which websites and apps have been granted access to your Gmail account data in the past and to revoke access: You may not want to remove access to some sites or apps. For example, if Gmail syncs with another email provider service or app that you set up and use, you probably don’t want to deny the other provider permission to access your Gmail. If you no longer use that email provider or app, you should remove access.

Signing in with Google shows the apps into which you can authenticate using Google as your credentials. Those services can only see your name, profile photo, and email address. These apps cannot access your account.Google apps shows the apps made by Google that access your Google account information.

What Google Apps See

The third section of the authorized services page includes a section for Google apps. Although these are all apps that are currently or were at one time trusted, if you no longer use these apps, you should remove access, as these likely have full access to your Google account. For example, if you use the Google Chrome browser, it has full access to your account. Full access means the app can view the names of your contacts, see your private Gmail correspondence, and read attachments.

What Information Is Protected in Full Access

Sites and apps that have been granted full access to your Google account can’t delete your account, change your password, or use Google Pay to request, send, or receive money.

Locate and Remove Gmail Delegates

You may have delegated permission to someone, such as an administrative assistant at your business, to handle your Gmail account in the past, which allowed them to read, send, and delete emails on your behalf. This person enjoys broad but limited access to your account. The person cannot change your Gmail password or participate in a chat as you. If you’ve been through a string of assistants over the past few years, find out which people still have access to your Gmail account. Access the Accounts and Import tab of your Gmail account by visiting the site through the Gmail Settings menu or by using a shortcut link: Review the names that appear in the Grant access to your account section. To revoke access, select a name, then click Delete.

Recent Activity on Your Account

You can find out which services or apps accessed your Gmail account recently: