Find Your Facebook Profile

You can access your Facebook profile page by selecting your name or profile icon in the upper-right corner, the small badge with your profile photo.

Understand the Facebook Profile and Timeline Layout

When you click your profile photo from anywhere on Facebook, you land on the page that’s often called your Timeline. (Years ago, it was called your Wall.) You can change the information on this page at any time by selecting Edit Profile from the banner menu. The profile page encompasses both your Timeline and Intro sections. The one on the right is your activity Timeline, displaying the Facebook activity created by or featuring you. The column on the left is your Intro area, detailing some basic biographical information about you, including where you live and where you work. You can edit how much of this information to display or share with the Edit Profile tool.

Tabs for Timeline and About

You’ll notice four tabs below your profile picture. The first two are called Timeline and About. You can edit either your Timeline or About information. Click those tabs to go to the Timeline or About pages.

Edit your Facebook About Page

On your Facebook profile page, select About from the banner menu below your cover photo to see and edit your personal information. The About area encompasses your biographical details, contact information, relationships, and other data you want to share. Select the three-dot icon next to any bit of information to edit or remove it.

Sections for Work, Music, Movies, Likes, and More

By default, the About page is divided into two columns. The left column contains tabs for each category of information about you. When you select one, the right side fills with that information, and you can change or add to it. The names of each category provide a good idea of which information each covers.

Overview includes the basic information shared on your main profile page, such as where you live and where you’re from. Work and Education covers your education, going back to high school, and places where you’ve worked. People can use the places that you enter to connect with you. Contact and Basic Info includes most of the general information about you. Here, you can enter email addresses, social media links, phone numbers, and personal information, like your birth date. Be careful when sharing the information in this section. You control who has access to each entry by selecting Friends and then choosing Public, Friends, Only me, or Custom.

The last three sections allow you to connect with family members or romantic partners you may have on Facebook (Family and Relationships). You can enter other details about yourself, such as past names, favorite quotes, or nicknames (Details About You). You can also add major events in your life (Life Events). The rest of the page is divided into rows for your photos, friends, check-ins, music, groups, and a variety of other likes. Each of these can be further edited by selecting the three-dot icon in the upper-right corner of each section.

Change the Order of Facebook Profile Sections

To delete, add, or rearrange any or all of the About sections, select More from the banner menu on your profile page. When another menu appears, select Manage Sections. A new window opens in the center of the screen. Check or uncheck the sections to show or hide them. Those that are grayed out mean you can’t modify them. When you’re done, select Save. The Facebook Help Center offers additional instructions on how to manage your personal information on the network.