Some Info About Deleting Photos
Photos you delete from Google Photos are removed from:
The web application ( Any synced devices, such as your smartphone or Android tablet Google Photos albums Google Drive, but only when your photos are automatically synced with Google Drive Shared albums you added those photos to
With that out of the way, here’s how you can delete photos from Google Photos.
Delete Google Photos From the Gallery on the Web App
Permanently Delete Photos and Videos in the Google Photos Web Application
All items in the trash are deleted automatically every 60 days, but you can get rid of them sooner.
Delete Google Photos From the App on an iPhone or iPad
Permanently Delete Pictures From Google Photos on iOS
All items in the trash are deleted automatically every 60 days; you can delete them permanently whenever you like.
Delete Photos From the Google Photos App on Android
Permanently Delete Photos on Google Photos for Android
All items in the trash are deleted automatically every 60 days, but you can delete them permanently whenever you like.
How to Delete Google Photos Albums
An album is a collection of photos stored in your Google Photos library, so when you delete an album, it only deletes the collection and not the photos themselves.