To follow along with this tutorial, enter the data as it is shown in the image above.

Enter the Student IDs Quickly

The rest of the Student ID’s are entered into cells A6 to A13 correctly. Data errors caused by incorrect data entry are the source of many problems related to data management. If the data is entered correctly initially, the program is more likely to give you back the results you want.

Do not leave any blank rows in the table. This includes not leaving a blank row between the column headings and the first row of data.A record must contain data about only one specific item.A record must also contain all the data in the database about that item. There can’t be information about an item in more than one row.

Field names are used to ensure that the data for each record is entered in the same sequence.Data in a column must be entered using the same format. If you start entering numbers as digits (such as 10 or 20), keep it up. Don’t change partway through and begin entering numbers as words (such as ten or twenty). Be consistent.The table must not contain any blank columns.

Drop-down arrows are added beside each field name, and the table rows are formatted in alternating light and dark blue. Sort Data Filter Data Where Dfunction is one of the following:


Type: Database Database functions are convenient when Google Sheets is used to maintain structured data, like a database. Each database function, Dfunction, computes the corresponding function on a subset of a cell range regarded as a database table. Database functions take three arguments:

Database_arr is a range, an embedded array, or an array generated by an array expression. It is structured so that each row after Row 1 is a database record, and each column is a database field. Row 1 contains the labels for each field.Field_str|num indicates which column (field) contains the values to be averaged. This can be expressed as either the field name (text string) or the column number, where the left-most column would be represented as 1.Criteria_arr is a range, an embedded array, or an array generated by an array expression. It is structured such that the first row contains the field name(s) to which the criterion (criteria) will be applied, and subsequent rows contain the conditional test(s).

The first row in Criteria specifies field names. Every other row in Criteria represents a filter, a set of restrictions on the corresponding fields. Restrictions are described using Query-by-Example notation and include a value to match or a comparison operator followed by a comparison value. Examples of restrictions are: “Chocolate”, “42”, “>= 42”, and “<> 42”. An empty cell means no restriction on the corresponding field. A filter matches a database row if all the filter restrictions (the restrictions in the filter’s row) are met. A database row (a record) satisfies Criteria if at least one filter matches it. A field name may appear more than once in the Criteria range to allow multiple restrictions that apply simultaneously (for example, temperature >= 65 and temperature <= 82). DGET is the only database function that doesn’t aggregate values. DGET returns the value of the field specified in the second argument (similarly to a VLOOKUP) only when exactly one record matches Criteria; otherwise, it returns an error indicating no matches or multiple matches.