How Do I Connect My TV to My Sonos One?

To reiterate, you can’t connect just a Sonos One to a TV. The Sonos One needs to wirelessly connect to a Sonos soundbar which itself is physically connected to your TV.

Can I Use My Sonos One Speaker With My TV?

In the case of using just the Sonos One with your TV, no. While Sonos does have Android and iOS apps, they aren’t directly compatible with Android TV or Apple TV. And there are no apps available for Roku or other streaming services. In addition, the Sonos app, which controls the devices, doesn’t recognize non-Sonos devices on your network, either. There are third-party apps that claim to offer this functionality, but our tests found them risky and unreliable.

Similarly, there is no Bluetooth streaming functionality on the Sonos One, unlike other speakers. While the second generation of the Sonos One does have some limited Bluetooth, it’s only used for setting up the device. This may change at some point. There’s no technical reason a Sonos One can’t connect to your smart TV, beyond neither manufacturer enabling the function, so really, it’s a matter of consumer interest and companies coming to an agreement. But, for now, the only way to connect a Sonos One to your TV is to make it part of a larger Sonos system connected to your television.