How Do I Change My Profile Picture on Instagram?

Switching your profile picture through the Instagram app is a fairly straightforward process, much like changing your profile name—especially if you’re familiar with changing profile images on other social media platforms.

How Do I Change My Instagram Profile Picture in a Web Browser?

Changing your profile picture from the web browser version of Instagram is very similar to the app, though the icon and menu placement is a little different.

Why Can’t I Change My Profile Picture in Instagram?

There are a few different (but easily fixable) reasons that could result in an inability to change your profile picture:

It could be a glitch on Instagram’s side of things, in which case try logging out and logging back into your account.You can also try uninstalling and re-installing the app if the problem persists.It’s possible your image might be the wrong format. For example, while standard image formats like .jpeg and .png work, animated files like .gif won’t for profile pictures.There could be interference from third-party apps (such as follow/unfollow trackers) as well, in which case you might need to delete them.Instagram itself might also be down for any number of reasons, in which case all you can really do is wait and try again later.