How to Breed a Horse in Minecraft

Before you can start a horse family, you’ll need to find a couple of horses and tame them.

How Do I Make a Horse of a Different Color?

Horses in Minecraft can be seven different colors with various patterns. The appearance of a baby horse is largely random. Baby horses have a higher chance of looking like one of their parents, but they could end up looking completely different. If you desire a specific color, try breeding two horses of that color. A baby horse’s health, speed, and jumping strength stats are also determined by its parents. To make a Golden Apple, put 1 Apple in the center of a Crafting Table and 8 Gold Ingots in the remaining boxes. To make Gold Ingots, smelt Raw Gold using a Furnace. To make a Golden Carrot, put 1 Carrot in the center of a Crafting Table, then put 8 Gold Nuggets in the remaining boxes. You can obtain Gold Nuggets by mining Nether gold ore with a pickaxe.

How Do You Breed a Mule in Minecraft?

To make a mule in Minecraft, crossbreed a horse with a donkey. Follow the same steps for breeding two horses. Mules can be equipped with Chests, allowing you to carry extra inventory. Mules cannot breed with any other animals.