Automatically Cc All Mail You Send in Outlook 2010 and Newer
Outlook’s Sent Items folder is perfect for keeping copies of all emails you have sent. While that’s ideal for some situations, what if you want to archive all your mail for different email accounts, or you need to carbon-copy your boss in an ongoing series of messages? Outlook can automatically carbon-copy (cc) or blind carbon-copy (bcc) any address (or more than one) you specify on every message you send, with whatever criteria you establish. To have Outlook deliver a copy of each email you send to a certain address (or addresses) via Cc:
Automatically Cc All Mail in Outlook 2007
To send a carbon copy of all mail you send in Outlook to a particular email address: You can pick criteria for the messages you want to copy via Cc. If you select nothing, all emails are added the Cc recipients. Under This rule will be applied to every message you send. Is this correct?, click Yes. Separate email addresses under To with semicolons (;).
Automatically Bcc All Mail You Send
You can send automatic Bcc copies (whose recipients, unlike Cc recipients, are hidden from all other addressees) in Outlook using automatic Bcc add-ons, such as one made by Ablebits. You can define any combination of criteria to copy only certain messages before clicking Next. Separate multiple addresses with semicolons (;).