How to Make Someone an Admin on a Facebook Page

An admin has the most power in a group. Among other responsibilities, they can add and remove admins and moderators and approve or deny membership requests.

How to Make Someone a Moderator on a Facebook Page

Moderators can do nearly everything an admin does; the main exception is that they can’t make members admins or moderators.

Facebook Admin vs. Moderator

Groups can have multiple admins as well as moderators, who can do almost everything that admins can. By default, the creator of the group is an admin; they can step down only if they name someone in their place. Only admins can:

Invite other members to be admins or moderatorsRemove admins and moderatorsManage group settings, including changing the cover photo, renaming the group, and changing privacy settings.Invite someone to become a Group Expert.

Admins and moderators can:

Approve or reject new member requestsApprove or rejected new posts in the groupRemove posts and commentsRemove and block people from the group.Pin or unpin a post or announcement

Group Experts

Facebook Group admins also have the ability to invite group members to become Group Experts. Once an admin has identified someone as particularly knowledgeable, the admin can issue an invitation to the person requesting that they become a Group Expert. When the Group Expert accepts the invitation, they’ll have a Group Expert badge next to their name to identify their post as particularly informative. Admins and Group Experts can collaborate on Q&A sessions, respond to questions, offer vital information, and more.