Choose Your Email Program

The steps you need to take to set up your AOL email account differ from program to program. Here’s how to:

Set up AOL Mail in Mac OS X Mail Set up AOL Mail in Mozilla Thunderbird Set up AOL Mail in Outlook Set up AOL Mail in Windows Mail

If your program is not on the list above, enter the generic POP or IMAP AOL mail settings into the program you want to use to access your AOL email.

Settings to Access AOL With Any IMAP Email Program

To access an AOL email account using IMAP, first confirm that your email client supports IMAP. If it does, create a new account and enter the following information in the relevant fields to configure the email client to access AOL email.

AOL Mail IMAP server: AOL Mail IMAP login: your AOL screen name AOL Mail IMAP password: your AOL screen name password AOL Mail IMAP port: 993 AOL Mail IMAP SSL required: yes

To set up outgoing mail through AOL servers, enter the following information in addition to your login screen name and AOL password:

AOL Mail SMTP server address: Mail Port using SSL/TLS: 587AOL Mail TLS/SSL required: Yes

Settings to Access AOL With Any POP3 Email Program

If your email client doesn’t support IMAP, you can enter a POP3 account with the following settings to read your email in a non-AOL account:

AOL Mail POP server: Mail POP login: your AOL screen nameAOL Mail POP password: your AOL screen name passwordAOL Mail POP port: 995AOL Mail SSL required: yes

Set up outgoing AOL mail, too, by entering the same screen name, password, and server along with these settings:

AOL Mail outgoing mail server (SMTP): Mail Port using SSL/TLS: 587