At its core, Google Voice is not a VoIP service like Skype, but it does take advantage of VoIP technology over the internet in order to route some of its calls, to allow international calls at a cheap rate, to allow free local calls, and to offer the numerous features it’s known for. Google Voice provides a phone number. With it, incoming calls forward to any phone of your choosing—your house phone, smartphone, or another phone. Another way to use Google Voice is to port your primary phone number over to this service, to use your existing number as your Google number, but this feature has a few caveats.

How Google Voice Works

Google Voice links with the PSTN—the wired landline telephone system—and the mobile network to hand over the calls. Any call initiated through it necessarily has to pass through the PSTN. However, the PSTN doesn’t do all the work. The call is then handed to Google’s servers, which is where the numbers are pooled. Say, for example, the call is directed to another Google Voice number. That number is identified within Google’s numbers, and from there, the call is sent to its final destination. The main aim of Google Voice is to unify communication channels rather than saving on cost. As a result, you can easily switch carriers without having to change the phone number, because one number can ring any phone through any carrier. If your physical phone number changes, all you need to change is the number to which your calls are routed.

How to Get Google Voice

Google Voice apps are available for download for the major mobile platforms. Download For:

Ringing Multiple Phones

Your Google Voice account supports several configuration settings and preferences, among which is a feature that allows you to set which phones you want to ring when someone calls your Google number. You can enter up to six different numbers to have six different phones or devices ring upon a call. For example, you may have your mobile phone, home phone, and office phone ring. Choose iOS, Android, or Web. You might also see a Terms of Service and Privacy Policy screen. Accept them with the Continue button. If you want to see more than the few that are shown by default, choose the Load More button under the numbers. Here’s how to set up multiple phones with Google Voice:

If you chose the calling option, you have to click or tap Call once more to start the phone call.

Other Features of Google Voice

Along with making and receiving phone calls, Google Voice has several options that let you customize what happens when someone tries to reach you. You can set rules for both individual contacts and groups of them that will forward their calls to another number (for example, your home phone), send them directly to voicemail, or only put them through to specific devices. Other options let you screen calls and use customized greetings for specific people.

Google Voice Cost

Google Voice is not a complete alternative to the services of cell phone carriers, unlike Skype and the like. However, while you still have to pay your phone or wireless carrier in order to use Google Voice (since it has to connect to your phone to be used), it’s still free, meaning that you don’t have to pay anything extra to use Google Voice. Google Voice does allow you to save money, though:

Make free local calls and overseas calls (inbound from outside the US) to any number within the United States and Canada. Place cheap calls (at VoIP rates) to any international destination. Such calls would be many times more expensive through PTSN telephony. Google Voice offers free SMS so that you can send text messages through your Google number without paying.