Google is working on a new version of Android 12, which will ship to entry-level smartphones in 2022. The new operating system is based on several of the best features from the main version of Android 12. It has been optimized to run on budget Android devices that feature lower amounts of RAM. RAM plays a huge part in how your phone multitasks, and standard operating systems can bog down if they don’t have enough RAM to work with.  “Android 12 Go will bring a range of benefits to users,” tech expert Aram Aldarraji told Lifewire in an email. “The new software has been designed to run on low-end smartphones, making it an affordable option for those who need a reliable device.”

Faster, Better, Cheaper

Over the past few years, companies like Samsung, Google, and Nokia have flooded the budget-phone market with new devices. From Samsung’s Galaxy A52 to the even cheaper Nokia G10, the Android market is full of affordable phone options. A lot of times, though, these older devices rely on lower RAM amounts and older, slower processors to help keep the cost down. The Nokia G10, for instance, is available for under $200, but it only ships with 3GB of RAM, which is low compared to the 8GB of RAM that flagship devices like the Samsung Galaxy S21 offer. A lower amount of RAM can lead to slower multitasking, and having too many apps running in the background is one of the first things that Google recommends checking when your Android phone is running slowly. That’s where Android Go comes in. Google’s plan with Android Go, and its subsequent Go apps, was to make the Android operating system lighter and faster on devices that offer less than impressive specs.  The operating system is a stripped-down version of the base Android OS. Many of the apps it includes are also stripped down, as tech YouTubers like Trakin Tech have explained in the past.  That means you’ll see many of the same functions available on these cheaper devices, but there may be some differences. In the past, the operating system appears to have faired well, and its release led to a surge of new Android smartphones that are extremely affordable. Aldarraji says that Android 12 Go is designed to use less storage space. That means more internal memory for your favorite photos and videos. The OS should also use less RAM, which means you can multitask more easily without your phone feeling sluggish. He also believes the update should also bring improved battery life to many devices as it won’t take as many resources overall. A longer battery means you can rest easy knowing that your phone will be ready to go whenever you need it without having to charge it as often. If you don’t use your smartphone a lot, having a larger battery can be great because it means less chance of walking out of the house without it having a charge.

Android Go Is Growing

Google says that over 1600 Android devices currently support Android Go in over 180+ countries. The company also says that more than 80 percent of the entry-level phones out there are running a version of Android Go. That means a lot of people are relying on the faster, lighter operating system that Google has created. The operating system just surpassed 200 million daily users worldwide. With Android 12 Go, Google appears to want to make it even easier for those 200 million people to use their phones. On top of better performance, though, Google is also bringing one of Android 12’s best features to the entry-level crowd. That’s right, the Privacy Dashboard will be making an appearance in Android 12 Go. Furthermore, it isn’t stripped down at all. That means you’ll be able to see all the privacy details you need to know right on your phone. This includes which apps use your location data, camera, and microphone. It’s one of the best features that Google has added to Android and a huge boon for smartphone privacy. It’s great to see it making the jump to the Go version of Android. Ultimately, the release of Android 12 Go could be a big push forward for the viability of cheaper, more reliable smartphones.  In a world that constantly pushes the most expensive tech in our faces, being able to choose a cheaper phone and not feel like you’re not missing out on a good experience will likely be a huge improvement for many.