As a deprecated program, Windows Media Player is not without its share of bugs. Errors can range from minor issues like missing album art to more serious problems like crashes and corrupted media libraries. This guide includes tutorials and step-by-step instructions for solving some of the most common issues with Windows Media Player. Luckily, this is not usually as bad as it sounds. It can be re-built in seconds following the steps in this tutorial. This guide includes hints and tips for improving WMP’s performance and curing streaming video suffering from slow or constant video buffering, choppy playback, and other annoying symptoms. With this guide, we’ll also show you how to use a registry hack to fix this problem in a flash. You won’t find this option in the usual place where all the other programs you’ve installed can easily be removed. This is because WMP 12 came packaged with Windows 7, so there’s another route you’ll need to take in order to uninstall it. Follow this tutorial to see how to reinstall a fresh copy of WMP 12 the easy way. Rather than suffering an incomplete library, you can manually add album art in a number of ways. Read this guide on how to re-populate album images and artwork so that your media can be more easily identified at-a-glance.