External Mic Connections

The camcorder microphone you buy must interface with the external mic connection built into your video camera. Consumer camcorders use a stereo jack for attaching an external mic, while higher-end camcorders offer an XLR jack for connecting a mic. Before you buy an external microphone, check what kind of input your camcorder has, and pick out a microphone that will fit the jack.

Types of Camcorder Microphones

There are three main types of camcorder microphones to choose from: shotgun, lapel (or lavaliere) and handheld (like newscasters or musicians use). Each type of external mic is suited to a different type of video production, and ideally, you’ll be able to purchase one of each kind.

Shotgun Microphones

Shotgun camcorder microphones mount on your camcorder or attach to a boom pole. The microphone picks up all of the sound coming from the general direction in which it is pointed. Shotgun camcorder microphones work well for video productions in which you want to record ambient sound or audio coming from several speakers.​

Lapel Microphones

Lapel microphones are great for video interviews. You attach them to the subject’s shirt, and they’ll pick up the person’s voice very clearly, as well as any sound that is close to the mic. Lapel microphones are also useful for recording wedding videos.

Handheld Microphones

Handheld microphones are usually heavy-duty and durable. They work great for picking up nearby sound, so your subjects need to speak right into them. However, they definitely lend a very “newsy” look to your video, so they’re best used if you’re going for that newscaster look, or if the speaker is not going to be seen on camera.

Wired and Wireless External Mics

Most camcorder microphones are available in wired and wireless versions. Wired camcorder microphones connect directly into your camera. Wireless microphones, on the other hand, come with a receiver and a transmitter. The transmitter is connected to the microphone, and the receiver is connected to your camcorder. Wireless camcorder microphones are handy because you can record audio that is very far away from your camera. However, they are also much more expensive than wired microphones, and you have to take into consideration things like range, signal interference, and battery power.

Camcorder Microphone Quality

Once you’ve decided on the type of camcorder microphone that you’re going to buy, you still have to choose a make and a model. There is no one external mic that’s best for everyone, so you’ll have to do some research to find one that fits your needs and budget. Read reviews, talk to video producers, and get your hands on as many camcorder microphones as possible so that you can hear the audio quality for yourself. Invest in a quality external mic now, and you’ll be able to use it for years down the road.