What Is a Browser Hijacker?

A browser hijacker is software that installs itself onto your device without your knowledge. It can come in the form of a PUP (potentially unwanted program) that you don’t even realize you are downloading when you install a computer program, or it can sneak into your system as a part of a larger computer virus obtained through an email attachment or some other means.

How Does a Browser Hijacker Work?

This malware can work in many different ways. It can be as innocent as annoying adware, a typically benign program that installs an additional component with software that feeds advertising to your computer, often through pop-up ads or the installation of an obnoxious, unwanted toolbar in your browser. It can be frightening, however, when it arrives in the form of spyware that attempts to track your movements, record your keystrokes, and steal your personal or financial information. Because of this second possibility, it’s especially important that you treat any suspicious browser activity as a serious threat. Regardless of the type, the goal of a browser hijacker to make your web browser perform actions that you never wanted it to do, including things like:

Secretly downloading software you never approved.Sending your banking or other highly sensitive information to hackers.Installing toolbars that, when used, take you to hacked websites that entice you to enter personal information.Slowing your computer system by overtaking resources and using storage space.Installing a new home page that is typically virus-ridden.Overrunning a browser with numerous pop-up ads and persistent advertising.

If you’re experiencing any of these issues or other suspicious activities involving your web browser, you should assume you have a browser hijacker on your system.

How to Protect Yourself From This Kind of Attack

There are several ways you can protect yourself from browser hijackers but the most effective approach is to be proactive and stay vigilant every time you use the internet. That can mean taking a variety of steps that work together to help you stay safe.

I’m Already a Victim: How to Remove a Browser Hijacker

If you suspect you have already been hijacked, take the following steps. If you receive a link or attachment from someone you know but weren’t expecting the email, contact that person first to be certain they weren’t hacked and sending you a virus. One final word of caution: Always keep your operating system (OS) updated. It might be annoying but the updates are designed to close vulnerabilities on your computer and are very important to keeping your device secure against attacks. If the problem is on a mobile device, you may need to try different techniques to remove the virus from Android or from iOS. Because hackers are continually finding new holes in programs and platforms, Zero Day vulnerabilities, exploits and attacks can unexpectedly pop up on your system at any time. Depending upon what’s happening in the world, you might need updates for both your OS and a specific program that might have been hacked.