Asymmetry in Page Layout

With asymmetrical balance, you unevenly distribute the elements within the format, which may mean balancing a large photo with several small graphics. You create tension by intentionally avoiding balance. Asymmetrical balance can be subtle or obvious. Uneven elements present us with more possibilities for arranging the page and creating interesting designs than do perfectly symmetrical objects. Asymmetrical layouts are generally more dynamic; by intentionally ignoring balance, the designer can create tension, express movement or convey a mood such as anger, excitement, joy, or casual amusement. It’s challenging to create an asymmetric design, but when you do it right, the design is eye-catching.

How to Create an Asymmetric Design

While the tendency of most designers is to design symmetrical designs without thinking much about it, you’ll need to put a little more thought into asymmetrical designs. Experiment with the elements you have to work with — text, images, space, color — until you have a design that feels right to you.  Asymmetrical balance is interesting. It feels modern and full of energy. The relationships between the elements of the design are more complex than you find in symmetric designs, but the resulting design is more likely to attract the attention of a viewer than asymmetric design.

Asymmetry in Folds and Die Cuts

A print document may be asymmetrical in other ways. A folded piece with distinctly uneven panels has asymmetrical folds, such as French folds. The shape of a die-cut or the shape of a package where the left and right or top and bottom do not mirror images is asymmetrical.