These games are great for kids and adults alike, and they’re organized below by skill level, so it’s easy to find the perfect place to start. Dive on in, and have a blast improving your Spanish!

Easier Spanish Games

Here’s a list of easier games that will help you learn basic vocabulary, numbers, colors, and basic phrases.

Translation Games: These Spanish learning games begin with a lesson that teaches you simple Spanish words, then you use those words and their English translations in activities like Whack-a-Word and Hangman. Spanish Word Toss: Throw darts at balloon targets that are translations of English keywords, or vice versa. Categories include animals, food, people, numbers, days of the week, and more. Three strikes and you have to start over! Spanish Vocabulary: Match Spanish text with photos. You can instead play with audio so that you hear the word before choosing what image it goes with. Memory: A great Spanish game for kids, this one has dozens of memory challenges in many categories, such as animals, clothes, food, and people. You must match like images with each other, which takes place while the Spanish words are spoken aloud to help with word association. Spanish In Flow: This one gives you the Spanish word in text and audio, and you must click the appropriate image that the word refers to. Mind the Word: This unique game is actually a web browser extension for Chrome that translates anywhere from 5—45 percent of the pages you read into Spanish. Can you still comprehend what you’re reading even when some words aren’t in English? Spanish Phrases: Learn a handful of Spanish phrases and greeting, and then see how many you can correctly match up. Numbers 1-12: This Spanish numbers list game is ideal for kids, but adults who don’t know their numbers can benefit, too. Match the English number with the Spanish number. You can play at slow, intermediate, or fast speed, and even select the headphone symbol to hear the translated number spoken aloud.

More Difficult Spanish Games

The games in this list are a little more challenging, but will help you with more advanced vocabulary and sentences.

Weather Game: Match the week’s forecast in Spanish with the appropriate weather images. Number Game: Enter the price spoken in Spanish for the products on the shelf. You can practice one-digit numbers all the way up to six-digit numbers. Dialogue Game: Choose the correct sentences that complete the dialogue between two Spanish-speaking people. Fill in the Blank: Pick a category and try to spell out the translation. You’ll have to switch between English and Spanish spelling to really test your knowledge. There are several categories, and each can be played at three levels of difficulty. Verb Conjugation Game: Test your knowledge of conjugating verbs by specifying the tense, types of verbs, and infinitive ending that you’d like to be tested on. Bubbles: Play a game over colors, Spanish numbers, school objects, and/or feelings, in either easy or normal difficulty. You’re given a word, and you must pop the bubble that shows the English translation. Pong: Learn Spanish while you play the Pong video game. Use your mouse to direct the ball to hit the blocks. When you hit a white one, you’re asked a Spanish question. Topics include school, world, grammar, food, family, activity, numbers, and more.