Defragmentation, in other words, can help improve your computer’s performance by making the reading of files more efficient, thanks to the fact that all the tiny pieces that make up a single file are right next to each other. All versions of Windows include a built-in defrag program, which we’ve ranked in this list. However, in most cases, a dedicated program, like any of the other ones listed here, will do a better job. Defraggler can run a boot time defrag, check a drive for errors, empty the Recycle Bin before defragging, exclude certain files from a defrag, run an idle defrag, and selectively move lesser-used files to the end of the drive to speed up disk access. Defraggler is also available in a portable version for flash drives. If the Piriform company sounds familiar, you may already be familiar with their very popular free CCleaner (system cleaning) or Recuva (data recovery) software. Defraggler can be installed on Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista, and XP. It supports running a defrag on a schedule as well as using boot time defrags to remove fragments from locked files. Smart Defrag can also exclude files and folders from a defrag/analysis, replace Windows Disk Defragmenter, defrag just Windows Metro Apps, and skip defragging files that are over a certain file size. Also included is a feature which removes junk files in Windows and Internet Explorer. It also clears cache files in other parts of Windows that could help speed up a defrag. Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista, and XP users are able to install and use Smart Defrag. You can also check a drive for errors with chkdsk and exclude files/folders from a defrag. It’s officially supported on Windows 10, 8, and 7, but will also run on Windows 11. Many of the other defrag programs from this list have many advantages over this one, such as boot time defrags and optimization features. To use it, search your computer for defrag, or execute the dfrgui command from the Run dialog box. You can also find it in Control Panel, via Windows Tools (Windows 11) or Administrative Tools. Like some of the other programs from this list, this one can defrag files and folders from the Windows Explorer right-click context menu, delete custom files/folders before a defrag is launched, and run boot time defrags. There are very specific scheduling options available in Puran Defrag like running an automatic defrag every so many hours, when the system goes idle, or when the screensaver starts. Particular schedules can also be set up for boot time defrags like running it on the first computer boot up of the day, on the first of the week, or the first time your computer boots up every month. One thing we don’t like about this tool is that it tries to install additional programs during setup. It’s said to be compatible with Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP, and Windows Server 2008 and 2003. This program has very specific settings. For example, you can disable defrags if files have fragments that are smaller than 10 MB, have more than three fragments, and are larger than 150 MB. All of these values can be customized. You can also configure this defrag tool to automatically move large, unused, and/or files of a certain format to the end of the drive so the commonly used, smaller ones end up toward the beginning, hopefully improving access times. In addition to the above, Disk SpeedUp can exclude files and folders from a whole system defrag, run a boot time defrag, turn off the computer when a defrag has completed, and run defrags/optimizations on one or more drives on a daily/weekly/monthly schedule. This program was designed for Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista, and XP You’re able to see the number of fragmented files from an analysis and run a defrag really quickly, though you can’t see the level of fragmentation that exists on a drive, nor can you schedule defragments to run at a later date. Though it’s nice to have a program that isn’t packed full of buttons and other toolbars, it’s also sometimes unfortunate. For instance, there are zero features that you can customize. If you’re looking for a program that’s super simple to use and isn’t bogged down with confusing settings or buttons, this program is absolutely perfect. This program officially works in Windows 7, Vista, and XP. We were able to use it just fine in Windows 8 as well. In addition to scheduling defrags on a weekly basis, you can also configure the program to start a defrag automatically when the screensaver comes on. You can optionally run through a Quick configuration wizard to easily set up scheduling or immediately optimize a drive. Some features are only available in the paid version, which means you’ll sometimes try to enable a setting only to be told you can’t because you’re using the free version, which can get irritating. O&O Defrag Free Edition is compatible with Windows 7, Vista, and XP. We tested the most recent version in newer editions of Windows but we weren’t able to get it up and running. Common functions like repairing, defragging, and optimizing drives are as simple as any of these other programs. However, if you wish to make changes to the program in general or to the boot time defrag option, you have to know how to maneuver around a BAT file. It should run fine on Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista, and XP. It works be loading and running scripts on one or more drives. Several scripts are included when you first install it, like to defrag on a schedule, analyze a drive, and consolidate free space. The default install is just fine for regular users. More advanced users can build their own custom scripts, which can actually be very detailed to deeply customize the way MyDefrag works. Information about creating scripts can be found in the online manual. MyDefrag hasn’t been updated since 2010, so it only officially supports Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000, Server 2008, and Server 2003. However, it still works with newer versions of Windows, like Windows 11, 10, and 8. After analyzing one or more drives, you can select all of them at once so that it will defragment the first one, then the second, and so on. Open the defrag program from Toolbox > Disk Defrag. Baidu’s PC Faster tool should work with Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista, and XP. Select the drive to defragment and then choose Defragment, Full Optimization or Analyze. You can optionally shut down the computer after the defrag has finished. Scheduling defrags with Wise Care 365 is not supported. A portable version is available from within the program (this is explained in the review). Something we don’t like is that a small advertisement about the full version of the program is always displayed in Wise Care 365. Also, some features and options are only available in the professional version. Wise Care 365 can be installed on Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista, and XP.